I think the first thing we need to do is to establish whether or not you are truly fat. I am five two and weigh about two hundred and forty pounds. There is no question about me being fat.

This blog is not for those who suffer from any other eating disorders other than over eating. I am not addressing anorexics or bullemics. I'm only talking to people who have a fair sense of body image. People who know the real difference between a few pounds over and morbidly obese and can be honest about the state of their own bodies.

I am not a doctor or dietician. As always you should consult a medical professional before making a major change in diet or exercise. You may also want to consult one to determine what your ideal weight should be.

The chart above is copied from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. It helps you to figure out what your body mass index is. That is a number that is figured by your height and weight. If your number is below 18 your reading the wrong blog, you are underweight most likely. Normal weight is somewhere between 18 and 24. If you are 25 to 30 you are fat, and of course over 30 you are considered morbidly obese. I am 43.5 off the chart. Food is killing me. If it's killing you too, stay with me on this blog and we'll travel this road together.



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