When cholesterol moves through our bodies it is encased in lipoproteins. Low-density lipoproteins called LDL bring cholesterol to our bodies. High-density lipoproteins called HDL remove cholesterol from the blood. You can now see why too much LDL is bad, and too little HDL is bad. We want the opposite. a little LDL and a lot of HDL.

A total cholesterol count of less than 200 is great. Borderline high would be between 200 and 239, more than 240 means increase risk of heart problems.

It's important to find out the numbers for the LDL and the HDL. Good LDL is 130 or less, from 130 to 159 is borderline, and above 160 is increased risk of heart problems.

Less than 40 HDL is also an increased risk, while 60 or more greatly reduces that risk.

The next question is since there is only one cholesterol on food nutrition labels, what determines, whether it becomes an LDL in the body or an HDL?

My hunch is fats play a role, let's find out in our next post.



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