Everyone knows that when you loose weight you are supposed to feel better, but let me tell you what that really means.

  • It means that when you go to the bathroom it's no longer a struggle to clean yourself, when you're obese you can't reach.
  • It means you can stand up longer.
  • It means you can walk further without having to stop because you are out of breath or your back hurts.
  • It means you can take showers and be able to clean everywhere.
  • It means you don't have to sit with your legs wide open to accommodate your huge belly.
  • It means you can sit on the floor again and get up by yourself.
  • It means you have more energy and move around more instead of laying on the couch.
This is just a short list of what it means to feel better after losing just about 55 pounds. I hope to be able to tell you how much better it feels after the next fifty.



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