I just ran across an idea for not having seconds on your meal and I've expanded it and came up with this helpful little strategy.

Remove the temptation and make it harder to have seconds on your starches and high carb foods. When dinner is all cooked and ready to be served fill your plates and immediately put away leftovers. If you prepare leftover containers it shouldn't take more than a minute.

Let's say you've made grilled chicken, green salad, green beans, and baked potatoes. While the food is cooking get your leftover containers our and place them on your table or counter. Once everyone has filled their dinner plates put the baked potatoes and grilled chicken leftovers in the containers or storage bags and put them right in the frig or freezer. The green salad and green beans take to the table with you.

If you have eaten too fast and finish your plate but find you still want more. You've got the salad and green beans right in front of you for small second helpings. You may want more chicken and potato, but by now they are cold and you would have to go through the trouble of getting up going to the frig. taking them out of the containers and reheating them. I think you can see where I'm going with this little strategy.

Of course better yet would be to only prepare enough food for good portions for one helping, but over eaters usually cook a lot more food than is needed, hence the problem with second and even third helpings.

Remember to try these other tips too!

  • use a smaller plate
  • eat with chopsticks
  • place a mirror in the room so you can see yourself eating
  • eat slowly
  • chew well and swallow each bite before putting another in your mouth
  • make a nice presentation of your meal, as if you were in a fine restaurant
  • try to eat with others and converse instead of eating in front of the TV
  • drink a glass of water or cup of coffee or tea at least 20 minutes before the meal
  • try to stop eating when you start to feel full
  • leave something on your plate
  • start the meal with a lite soup or salad
  • only sip water with the meal, or one glass of red wine



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