Criticism Does Not Motivation Make

     Those of you are are not obese but have loved ones who are, can easily become frustrated and angry because you can't understand why they just don't stop eating. It's simple, you want to lose weight, stop eating so much. That is correct and it is that simple, except for one thing. You've got to want it.

     When you're well meaning loved ones start to make sarcastic and hurtful comments and call you names, they actually believe that by hurting you in this manner you will stop eating and lose weight in order to get them to stop.To get them to love and respect you again.

     I tell you this, all you succeed in doing is making the obese person feel even worse about themselves and more hurt. This makes you want to eat even more to comfort yourself. Maybe even to hurt yourself.


     If you want to truly help your loved one to lose the weight that you're afraid will kill them, here's a couple ideas.

  • Do not keep or eat unhealthy fattening food in front of them.
  • Offer distractions of a walk, a glass of water, or a piece of celery, carrot, or fruit, in moments of weakness.
  • Praise little accomplishments like turning down the offer of cake or ice cream, or even a second helping. sometimes those little things can be huge hurdles.
  • Give the obese person some breathing room to do this by himself, it's important that the weight is lost because the fat person regains control of their eating and wants to lose the weight.


Anonymous said...

Right on.

A couple other ways that I can think of to help ...

Pray for them.

Visualize them happy, healthy, balanced and whole. What we see in our minds becomes reality.

Anonymous said...

Hi and WOW! What a cool blog, i've bookmarked this, nice one.



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