Holiday Pounds Are Coming!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and for all of us food addicts, you know what that means.

Good for you if you can navigate yourself around the feasts without overindulging. That would be the best choice, but if you're like me and have no self control, the extra pounds will come.

So let's start diet planning now. Tomorrow till Thanksgiving Day, let's diet very strictly. Eat healthy in small portions and take off a couple pounds. Hopefully when Thanksgiving comes, we'll have accomplished two things. The first being that we'll have a head start so if we do overeat for the holiday, we'll hopefully just be the weight we are now and not over. The second thing is maybe we'll have trained our eye, and stomach to be satisfied on less food. Good luck and don't forget to consult your doctor before making any radical diet changes.

photo by David Gljay



Diet, Weight Loss-Dying For Food © 2012 | Designed by Cheap Hair Accessories

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