How many fat people do you know that blame their thyroid, or slow metabolism, for their weight gain? I would say over 90% of them do. Be honest, do you? Moreover, do you really believe it or do you just say that because it's easier than admitting you eat too much?

First I would like to explain why fat people don't think they eat that much. I believe that the stomach is a wonderful self regulating organ. For instance, let's say I am thin the perfect weight. My stomach and brain are calibrated so that when I've eaten the correct amount to keep me the perfect weight, I feel full and don't want to eat any more, because eating past full can be uncomfortable. Now let's say a holiday comes and I am determined to overeat past that full feeling. I do and then the next day there are wonderful leftovers, so I eat past my full feeling again.What you are doing is expanding the stomach and re-calibrating your fullness level to now eating maybe twice the amount of food for you to feel full again. Now the holiday is over but it takes that much more food for you to register as being full.

The good news is that it works that way in reverse also. The fat person can spend a couple, few days eating less than full and their stomach will "shrink"so that a few days later it takes a lot less food to give them that full feeling. It doesn't take long to re-calibrate, but that first step is very, very, difficult. It's hard to pass up seconds when your body says it's still hungry. If however you are able to take that first step, we are rewarded with loosing some weight. Others say it doesn't count because the first couple days it's just water weight we are loosing. Don't underestimate the importance of that loss. It gives us the reward of encouragement and hope that we can loose even more, and it clears the way for our bodies to start loosing some real weight now.

Easier put, say a thin person eats one hamburger and a fat person eats two hamburgers per meal. They each can feel just as full after those meals. If the thin person eats two and the fat person eats one, the thin person will feel overstuffed and the fat person will feel still hungry. After a few days the thin person will become the fat person, and the fat person will become the thin person. Moreover their stomachs will get used to this and be re-calibrated to their new amounts of food.



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