The Fast

     I'm not giving this as advice because I'm sure health professionals will tell you it's either unhealthy or dangerous. I'm only telling you what I've done in the past when I was younger and healthier and what seemed to work for me.

     I would go on a week long fast. Now before you run away here me out. I would start on a Monday and would only eat fruits and veggies. As much as I wanted but not too much potato or corn. Tuesday would only allow myself liquids. No not ice cream shakes. Coffee, tea, water, and fruit juices. Wednesday was just water day. Thursday back to allowing all drinks again, and Friday back to just fruits and veggies.

     After that week I found that I felt like my stomach had shrunk, like it took less to fill it up. This was the goal. You want to eat smaller portions to feel just as full as you did before when you were only satisfied with larger portions.

     I didn't do it, but I suppose you could eat clear soup or broth on your liquid days, just make sure it's no or low sodium. The sodium holds in water. More on this on the next post.



Diet, Weight Loss-Dying For Food © 2012 | Designed by Cheap Hair Accessories

Thanks to: Sovast Extensions Wholesale, Sovast Accessories Wholesale and Sovast Hair