Swelling Finally Gone

     It seemed like it took forever but I finally got rid of the swelling. The puffed bags under my eyes are gone and my fingers and hands are down also. It took a lot of will power to stay away from salty and processed foods. What I did was to order a lot of fruit and vegetables and water and diet drinks.

     I cooked my food myself which helped me to avoid extra sodium. I did lose some pounds but I've got far to go. However now I've pretty much lost my taste for chips, luchmeats, and greasy fast foods. I also am eating smaller portions and getting full on less. The first few meals I had to fake it for myself by using smaller plates and eating slower telling myself that I was full on less than I was used to eating. After a while I felt fuller faster on less. I also, despite my upbringing, decided that I had to leave a couple bites uneaten on my plate. Now I've just come to feel like it's bad luck to clean my plate.It doesn't make sense but it works for me.



Diet, Weight Loss-Dying For Food © 2012 | Designed by Cheap Hair Accessories

Thanks to: Sovast Extensions Wholesale, Sovast Accessories Wholesale and Sovast Hair