The results of this study came out the other day. Infants and toddlers who don't get the required amount of sleep tend to become overweight. Throw watching TV into that mixture and you can be sure your child is on his/her way to obesity.

Previous studies have shown a connection between sleep deprivation and obesity in adults and teens now we know it holds true across all ages. Diet and exercise are great places to start a healthy lifestyle, but now we need to add sleep to that important list.

There are just certain things we must do to be healthy and live a longer life, or a the very least give us a good chance at those things. As parents we owe it to our children to make proper diet, exercise, and sleep part of a habit or routine that they will naturally carry with them the rest of their lives. Most importantly, children learn by watching what we do, not just what we say. In other words we also owe them parents who live a healthy lifestyle and will be there with them to their adult years.



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