New Diet

     Although I've been honest with myself about why I'm fat, I've never really examined where and when and why I eat the way I do.

     I have figured out that part of the problem is that I eat fast, too fast. So while I want to enjoy the taste of my food I eat too quickly to really do so. Eating slowly helps me to appreciate the taste of the food in smaller portions.

     The main thing I've figured out about my personal eating habits is that if I start the day off with breakfast it triggers my craving to eat throughout the rest of the day. The problem is that I know it's important to eat in the  morning. On the days that I just had a cup of coffee or tea in the morning I was able to put off food till middle or late afternoon, thus eating less food that day. So this tells me that a liquid breakfast might be the answer for me. So today I bought some apple juice, skim milk, and some frozen fruit. This way I can have either a juice, ice, and fruit smoothie or a skim milk and frozen fruit smoothie for breakfast and put off the solid food till later.

     Now mind you, I stay up most of the night till at least four in the morning, so I can eat later meals.I'll let you all know how this is working out for me.


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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